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TIPP Scholarship 2023 – Thailand International Postgraduate Program
Thailand International Postgraduate Program – TIPP Scholarship 2023 is open for all eligible Filipinos to apply. The TIPP Scholarship program is introduced in the year 2000. The TIPP Scholarship provides postgraduate scholarship for students in other developing countries across the world.

Filipinos who are looking to Study Abroad at Thailand must consider knowing about this scholarship.
Table of Contents
- TIPP Scholarship Overview
- TIPP Scholarship Benefits
- Qualifications for Scholarship:
- Documentary Requirements for TIPP Scholarship
- How to Apply for TIPP Scholarship 2023
- Application Deadline
TIPP Scholarship Overview
The main focus of TIPP Scholarship is on topics of our expertise. The list of topics covered under the Scholarship are categorized into Six (6) themes, which are as follows:
- Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP),
- Public Health,
- Climate Change and Environmental Issues,
- Agriculture and Food Security,
- Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model and
- Others topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This provides not only opportunities for participants to acquire academic knowledge but also a great opportunity to explore and deepen their understanding of Thailand, its rich culture and hospitality of Thai people.
TIPP Scholarship Benefits
Here are the list of Scholarship benefits every scholar will receive as prescribed by TICA (Thailand International Cooperation Agency):
- Tuition Fees coverage (except equipment insurance fee, transcript and certificate fee)
- Books allowance: 10,000 Baht (Php 16,240)** per year. (Only 4 semesters for Master’s degree)
- Monthly Living allowance: 7,000 Baht (Php 11,370)**
- Monthly Accommodation allowance: 7,000 Baht or 9,000 Baht (Php 11,370-14,620)**
- Settlement allowance: 6,000 Baht (Php 9,740)**
- Return economy class air ticket and Airport pick – up service
- Thesis allowance: If is to be done in the awardees country, prior to coming to Thailand, he/she will receive 20,000 Baht (Php 32,490)** for compulsory fieldwork or data collection, and 12,000 Baht (Php 19,490)** for thesis printing or 8,000 Baht (Php 12,990)** for independent study (IS) printing;
- Visa arrangement
- Accident and Hospitalization Insurance
**depending upon currency conversion rates
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Qualifications for Scholarship:
Here is the list of qualifications an applicant must meet to apply for this Scholarship:
- The candidate must have Bachelor’s degree and/or professional experience related field or related to graduate degree.
- Candidates must be no more than 45 years of age.
- He or She must have a good command of English.
- Candidates whose first language is not English and Bachelor’s degree was not instructed in English, have to pass an English Language proficiency test according to criteria required by the academic institution regulations.
- Candidates must have good physical and mental condition and must not be pregnant.
- The applicant must be nominated by the National Focal Point for International Development Cooperation in a country from the TIPP eligible countries/territories list.
- Should be preferred working in the government sector or in the area which related to the course was provided
- Other requirements apart from these will be under consideration by the University regulations.
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Documentary Requirements for TIPP Scholarship
Here is the list of documents an applicant must prepare to apply for TIPP Scholarship 2023.
Please prepare one (1) original with two (2) copies of each document as these following items:
- *1. TIPP application form (Download at: https://tica-thaigov.mfa.go.th/en/page/75500-tipp-application-form?menu=605b13dbb6f1b76ed31778b3)
- *2. Medical report (If candidates had submitted other health certificates without the TICA medical report form, their application will not be accepted for consideration.)
- *3. Transcript of Bachelor’s degree (to show the courses that you have learnt throughout Bachelor’s degree)
- *4. Certificate of Bachelor’s degree
- *5. Recommendation Letter from at least 2 person (1 person per letter) e.g. university instructor, supervisor in the candidate’s organization, employer etc.
- *6. English test score (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS) as required by the academic institution
- 7. Other documents as required by the academic institution (please see the course detail: subject “Document Required” for more information.)
*The documents number 1 – 6 are mandatory. If candidates fail to provide the specified documents, their application will not be accepted for consideration.
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How to Apply for TIPP Scholarship 2023
All Interested and eligible candidates can find more information of course detail and guidelines on the links below:
For Thailand International Postgraduate Program (TIPP): https://bit.ly/3ZJ6llr
2023 Programme and Course Detail: https://bit.ly/3MnvH5a
Guidelines for applying: https://bit.ly/3KhYJRc
Application form: https://bit.ly/3KmqZSy
The 2023 TIPP online application form: https://forms.gle/Wci24LqjSxhXVYyL7
If you have more questions regarding the program, do not be hesitated to contact us via Email: [email protected]
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply for TIPP Scholarship 2023 – Thailand International Postgraduate Program is July 31, 2023.
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